Player furette1 posted a message on 14/09 15:16 on the Wonderz Forum: DOU COMES YOUR NICKNAME?. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players - Page 3
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You are in my furette1 friends so I am happy to answer your message. I struggled to find a nickname because either it was already taken or I was out of ideas ((I have a different nickname for each site except for mad, zoo and wond) so my children had a stuffed animal offered by my mom and had nicknamed her poport, I took this nickname because at least no one had it and I thought to myself that it would bring me luck. Kisses to you furette1 and to the others.🌹😉
Hello ferret1, For my nickname it's also simple: the letters correspond to the initials of my first names and surname with the number of the department where I live.
Hello furette1 and boulou46! I had no idea when I chose it: so I put fran for Françoise and pa is the beginning of my name. On mafia I added 55 for the Meuse! Have a good day !
hello ferret1 I saw your message of disappointment on the wall for my part I rarely do on the forum as far as I'm concerned the choice was simple being in the champagne region I simply added the postal code of my village where life is good
hello, well I tried xxxxx nickname and they were ALL TAKEN !!! yet some were not obvious and I've never seen players with these nicknames, but hey! so we were in the process of having our land fenced off and I typed "fence" on the keyboard, telling myself that afterwards I would change it. Except that on this site, this is not possible. As I told people who found my nickname "weird" I imprisoned myself. And I kept the same when I signed up for zoo and Wonderz because I find it easier: I admit I don't know your different nicknames and that means I don't necessarily click on the links in the buzz cup. Sorry for the selected ones to whom I don't 'return support' Have a great day to all of you.