Player webmaster posted a message on 21/04 13:18 on the Wonderz Forum: MadPoints display: problem solved. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  MadPoints display: problem solved
23/04/2009 21:57:54

Hello 🙋 I

too had the same thing except that it was 100000000 mp on the spot I thought the
web was generous for it was not my birthday 😂 and the next day they had disappeared 🤢 but hey that's normal ! go good games to all ps (great the
new home page) 🙁y): 😂

21/04/2009 15:05:53


The display of your MadPoints being previously wrong, you could "see" more or less MadPoints than you actually had. It is therefore quite possible that your actual balance may be lower than what was displayed. So there is no mistake.

You can contact Customer Service to ask them to confirm your MadPoints balance.

We are, once again, sorry for the inconvenience.

The Web'.

21/04/2009 14:29:10

Hello, I just received the famous email!
and by connecting to my account at the moment I realize that 1000 MP have disappeared while they were still there 1 hour ago!
Is the problem really solved?
How to get these MPs back? Because you say that none of them were lost so they will come back?
Is there a Box in the customer service to make a claim?


21/04/2009 13:18:04

Hello everyone:wave: Many of

you have reported a problem with the accounting of your MadPoints since the new MadWin was launched last week.

We inform you that this problem has now been solved. No MadPoints have been lost. All your played Rounds have been correctly recorded on our databases and all your MadPoints have been assigned to you. The problem you encountered was only a bad display of your MadPoints balance on your MadWin interface.

We apologize for this inconvenience and thank you for your loyalty.

All our team (and especially our graphic designers!) would also like to thank you for the many congratulatory messages we received about the new design!

We wish you a good time!

The Web'.

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