Player keepsake posted a message on 13/08 23:36 on the Wonderz Forum: Who has ever won a Loot. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

Pirates Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1244 / 1500
Win AUD 2 300
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Scratch Ticket Nirvana
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win AUD 2 300
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Sirocco Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :2910 / 3000
Win AUD 1 600
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Pirates Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win AUD 2 300
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Scratch Ticket Tutti Frutti
Number of remaining tickets :3087 / 9600
Win AUD 150
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Subject :  Who has ever won a Loot
21/08/2009 21:57:06

Hello, it's me again! I just found the Eldorado Loot Box. I didn't try to quit or double and as I already had a household robot I exchanged it for 3 million points... still I'm happy to have won 2 Loot in 1 month.... there's just the big prize cache I'm a little disappointed to have wasted 35 credits to win only 1500 points but well...

20/08/2009 21:30:32

🙋Je did not win especially in this game but in others yes and I have always been very satisfied, good continuation and full of cadoooo😉

18/08/2009 16:18:47

I also won a toaster, it's very beautiful you'll see!

13/08/2009 23:36:04

Wow!! I just won the Odyssey Loot!!! This is the first time I've won a Loot game. I have chosen the toaster, I look forward to receiving it! I would like to know if there are others like me who have already won these games and if so what they have chosen and if they are satisfied with it.
Thank you bcp MadWin!!!!!!!!

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