Player maylou40 posted a message on 07/10 15:54 on the Wonderz Forum: The disgruntled. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The disgruntled
07/10/2009 15:54:46

To the disgruntled:
I was Round of those who played Goose and I regret its disappearance because it was a game that brought points and a good ranking to the challenge. But hey, you have to be honest too! All those who played there knew perfectly well that the questions kept coming back and that there was no longer much point in Play it from a player's point of view. It was even getting boring.
And then there are the disgruntled people who want to cancel a prize. When you don't want a prize, you don't order it.
Finally, there are those who are unhappy that others are happy and positive like Patamaster who attacks Claudie92 simply because she sees things with a little humour.
So I want to tell you: "a little tenderness in this world of bullies!"
This site is great and as far as I'm concerned I recommend it to everyone.
It's said!

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