Player Galactus13 posted a message on 26/09 15:05 on the Wonderz Forum: Missing Worn with MadWin. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players
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Galactus13 wrote: jaelle46 wrote: ,agree with you...take by credit card it's very secure...I've never had any problems...I'd like to
...ouin ouin ouin ouin, but I can't...I don't have a credit card it's too expensive for the services I'll have, it's useless to me! ExceptMadWin... Hello Galactus13 ๐ You can
also buy them by making a bank transfer. However, your account will not be credited immediately. account a few days (How it Works two to three days) for the voirs on your account.
I46 wrote: รgree with you...take by credit card it's very secure...I've never had any problems...I'd like to.. .yes, yes, yes, yes, but I can't...I don't have a credit
card it's too expensive for the services I'll get, it's useless! Except MadWin...
Hi galactus I met the same problem note tjs on paper the code that allo pass communicates to you if it does not work make a request to the service (reload problem, you indicate the code and the call time) and MadWin takes care of everything and answers you quickly and brings you the solution but I advise you the reload cb more on and especially cheaper good game a +