Player nada1988 posted a message on 20/03 21:29 on the Wonderz Forum: billy. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  billy
28/03/2004 10:02:40

TIEN TIENS, as if by chance the calote
no longer dares to say anything, would it be banished from the

23/03/2004 11:10:26

I also hope he gets what he deserves
from this rude character!

23/03/2004 05:05:43

I hope you'll be banned from the
site because of your blatant lack of respect.

22/03/2004 21:15:03

hey! here is the poem corner and not the
insult corner!!! so calm your joy and learn
to talk to people differently, this site is
not made for that!!!! it is made to
relax and not to read stupid
things as you say...............

22/03/2004 16:35:57

Calm down! You piece of shit!

21/03/2004 12:59:35

booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you what I can
tell you is that you're a little
bitch because I'm going out with this billy!!!!
so shut up when we're not in the putte
room it's not on lordi but in
the streets that you should be

20/03/2004 21:29:28

billy as long as you love me, that my name
is rolled up in your name, if people love each other
as we love each other, the magicians will come

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