Player sopranette posted a message on 24/03 20:35 on the Wonderz Forum: difficult connection. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  difficult connection
26/03/2008 08:42:26

It all depends on the server you connect to, for example when I was using mozilla, impossible to Play but with internet explorer no problem.
As far as your Rounds are concerned, you have to make a request to customer service, good games

24/03/2008 20:35:41

Good evening,
I have had a lot of trouble connecting to the site for several days... I have nevertheless done a complete cleanup (cookies, viruses, etc...) but still as much problem.... and besides, it is only on this site: the others: no problem... in addition, I played today 1 time with the bonus word and hop ! my 15 Rounds have gone away all alone!!!!

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