Player pop50 posted a message on 07/09 00:38 on the Wonderz Forum: To be added in the last Winners. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

Discover Investigation File 862
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Win AUD 300
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Win AUD 150
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Subject :  To be added in the last Winners
07/09/2010 00:38:57

Hello Web! πŸ™‹ Hello
players! πŸ™‹ I

will find that in the last winners section the last winners of Winners Loot Games games appear, and what they have won...
So you can say to yourself, for example: "Here you go, 10 RoundsEldorado that the 1000th is not won... maybe for the next Round!"
And sees in all transparency all the latest Winners MadWin

07/09/2010 11:55:13

Curious that you are πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

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