Player pop50 posted a message on 14/10 12:08 on the Wonderz Forum: based on the cash cube. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  based on the cash cube
14/10/2010 12:08:09

Hello everyone, hello web,

I would like to make a suggestion that could embellish the Catch A Prize
Why not transform the case of the prize cache into a 3D cube like the cash cube, it could make it more beautiful with a marine decor all around!

20/10/2010 00:58:07

Don't worry Claudie...... your idea would be very beautiful... but on the other hand I think it would lose its playability... especially when you want to make many clicks or even when there are only a few boxes left!

19/10/2010 23:34:49

Well apparently my idea is a belly..... Or no one has seen it!

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