Player Bartox posted a message on 19/11 22:04 on the Wonderz Forum: Castor Xtrem game. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Castor Xtrem game
19/11/2010 22:04:45

Hello, I present you my problem and hope at the same time not to be the only one to meet him 😀 The fact is that when I play my free round the beaver game xtrem, an error message appears at the end is that says about . Round beyond the time allowed please click on quit. I only won this game by dropping out with my own hands because when I get too far in the game I don't win any madpoints at the end. Even if I could go further during the Round, I don't dare to do it and stop by myself so that my Round will be profitable 🙁 To summarize when I go beyond a certain number of meters in the game, I know that in the end I would not win anything.

This being a bit boring, I was hoping that the team would pay attention to my problem and if possible make sure that it would no longer be one.

Thank you in advance.

03/10/2011 03:03:30

hello before with 1000m we earn 150 points now it takes 4000m to get 150 points but if we do they we are out of time to explain to us why this bug thanks

08/06/2011 17:25:48

Hello. I have the same problem too. I reported it the first time, and a number of points had been awarded to me. but rebelote today eight with more than 3000m covered. we're not going to lose just to win points, it's not the How it Works a game.

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