Player webmaster posted a message on 28/04 16:22 on the Wonderz Forum: NEW: your Credits and PAss with Paysafecard cards!. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  NEW: your Credits and PAss with Paysafecard cards!
28/04/2011 16:22:53

HelloπŸ™‹ You

can now buy your Credits and Pass with Paysafecard prepaid cards!
These cards are available at your local newsagents and tobacco shops!
To find the nearest point of sale to your home, do not hesitate to visit the site: http:
// Good

The Web

23/05/2011 11:19:22

Hello πŸ™‹ The payment

methods you see appearing on your interface are those available for your country. In case of doubt or for any question, do not hesitate to contact Customer Service who can answer more precisely!

Good games!
The Web'.

22/05/2011 17:02:05


22/05/2011 01:14:11

jz am in madagasca, what to do?😲

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