Player cryss54 posted a message on 09/06 16:29 on the Wonderz Forum: PYRAMID WORDStournament ???????????????????????. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players
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I wonder how a person can make more than 60000 points in a Round on this jeu😲😲😲 I thought it was a combination of Accumulative games but obviously not because I played several days and it is the best score that comes out I would really like to know the trick to achieve these prowess or at least explications😃😃 thanks
A little tip: Try to make words of 7 letters (the multiplier is X 16) with luck a letter worth a lot of points accumulated with a bonus X 5 on this letter.
Let's take the example of a 7-letter word with 6 letters at 1 pt and 1 letter at 10 pts. The 10 pts letter has a bonus X 5. the word total = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + (10 X 5) = 56 pts. The word score = 56 X 56 X 56 X 16 = 50 176 pts.
Then you have to be lucky to have a 10 pts letter with a bonus X 5 and make a 7 letters word!