Player webmaster posted a message on 19/11 22:48 on the Wonderz Forum: Bos Office: late postponement. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Bos Office: late postponement
19/11/2012 22:48:49

Hello 🙋 as a

result of the technical problems of the last few days and the time we have had to devote to it, we must unfortunately inform you that the successor to Box Office will still be a little late.

The next game will finally be launched on Tuesday 27 November and Box Office is therefore extended until that date.

In addition, we have also decided to double your free rounds again for the next Mega-Contest which will start this Thursday, November 22nd on MadWin, QuoVerbis and CadoVillage.

Thank you all for your patience and good games!
The Web'.

20/11/2012 01:46:43


I have the impression that the calculation of points slips at times, un👼 passes 🤨

the time of the :dodo 😀

19/11/2012 23:45:19

thanks for the information 🙂

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