Player katyk posted a message on 29/10 17:22 on the Wonderz Forum: feature: birthday of friends. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  feature: birthday of friends
29/10/2015 17:22:08


I suggest a new feature: prevent when it is a friend's birthday.
This could be a new tab in the profile, for example.
Of course, we would only know the date and not the age (the latter being too personal and some people do not want it disclosed, which is understandable).

This feature exists on many sites and especially on social networks.

Have a good day.

12/11/2015 18:36:08

👏 good idea, and those who disagree could hide their birthday

01/11/2015 15:01:33


I think the idea is very good. 🙂

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