by Unity
by Victor Hugo
Over the horizon with its brown hills, the sun, that flower of infinite splendour, leaned over the earth at the hour of sunset; a humble daisy, blooming at the edge of a field, On a grey wall, crumbling among wild oats, Blanche bloomed her candid halo; And the little flower, over the old wall, stared, in the eternal azure, at the great astre overlooking her immortal light. "And I have rays too," she said. Over the horizon of the browned hills, the sun, that flower of infinite splendour, leaned over the earth at the hour of sunset; a humble daisy, blooming on the edge of a field, On a grey wall, crumbling among wild oats, Blanche blossomed her candid halo; And the little flower, over the old wall, stared at the eternal azure, the great star spreading its immortal light. "And I have rays too," she said.