Player WHITNEY32 posted a message on 22/05 14:17 on the Wonderz Forum: Question buzz cut. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Question buzz cut
22/05/2016 14:17:42

Sorry if I don't post in the right place, about the cut you have to make your games before or after clicking on a link? or it doesn't matter? Thank you. Thank you.

30/10/2016 10:22:30

other questions Buzz

cut Buzz Is there a place on the site, where you can find the links to the people designated each week on the Buzz cut.
Indeed, I notice that in the last few weeks, there are only about ten links that appear in the forum. How can we support the other players? I would be interested because when I clicked 3 or 4 times on the same player, it is no longer possible for me to Next At least, with a list of candidates, these clicks would not be lost.

thank you for your answers

01/06/2016 10:49:06


It doesn't matter 😉 Good


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