Player webmaster posted a message on 11/04 20:12 on the Wonderz Forum: Launch of Brikz Break, Safebox Impact and Le Tir Parfait. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players
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Discover on MadWin , Brikz Break, and how our Goowiz have to outwit their sworn enemies the "Brikz" 🙂 It's up to you to help them by working on your sense of physics and gravity!
Discover on ZooValley , The Perfect Shot : Help Gideon and Gary in this new game from Billy The Pig 🙂 It's up to you to help Gideon and Gary Play with gravity to win!
Finally, discover on Wonderz , Safebox Impact: A game in which Zoe and Wynter, our two Wonderz , try to rob a Shadowz safe! Again physical sense and gravity are your best allies :)